Beating the back to school blues

Credit from Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels
Short breaks  helps students to rejuvenate and relax from school’s hectic schedule. It has no harm to enjoy the holidays to the max but should be balance up by getting ready for school after term break. Below are some tips.

Photo credit from Pexels

1. Finish your school homework before school break
It’s important to complete your homework to avoid going back to school stress, as you might   forgotten about it until school reopen.

2.  Pack your bag and uniforms
Before bringing the kids for vacation or day trip, I usually get the kids to ensure their uniforms were washed and hang neatly in the wardrobe. They have to ensure they have complete uniforms with their neck tie to their socks and shoes.

3.  Return from vacation at least a day earlier
It is advisable to at least return from vacation a day earlier. The children need time to adjust their emotions (mindset) and physically (especially sleeping pattern) before school starts.

4.  Check your packed bag before sleep
To have a good night sleep, children should check their bags again, preferable before dinner, so parents still have ample to rush for stuff that children forgotten to include. These are usually materials for art or design subjects.

Photo credit from Pexels

5.  Sufficient sleep
During school holidays, children were given the flexibility to sleep and wake up later than school days. Therefore, give the kids at least a day to adjust their sleeping pattern and  they need at least 8 hours sleep.

6.  Avoid exciting activities
A day before school reopen, get the kids to do some mild activities such as reading their favourite book or playing some bored games like monopoly but avoid playing with smart phones that may trigger insomnia.

So kids with this, welcome back to school!

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