Help children adapting to Remote Learning

Our lifestyles have been abruptly altered with the presence of Covid-19. Like it or not, we were forced to accept  online; adults working from home and children studying remotely using online platforms.

After having 2 months of online classes  with my students, I have observed some of the norms and below are the ways to make remote learning more interesting and easier to adapt for your child.

1) Tired eyes

We encountered tired eyes after spending a good deal of time staring at screen from laptops, smartphones or even television. The strain of  looking at the screen constitute to eyes fatigue.

Therefore, apply the 20-20-20 rule. After 20 minutes staring at the screen, look away for 20 seconds and be looking at something 20 feet away. (This is applicable for adults as well). For me being  confined in a room, I usually look out from the door or windows to relax the eye muscles.

2) Disruption Online
Do prepare the children that there will be disruption online and this is okay. Do not get panic but do login again. I'm pretty sure teachers will understand and will not penalized the child.

3) Different learning method

Remote or online learning is a new trend and the children may fumble with the technology. Teach the children at least how to login in order to cease their worries of disconnecting from the class. Believe me, I have students in Year 1 who are now very familiar with Zoom and some even help to remind their classmates to mute while I'm talking or to use emoji to give me signals!

Children learn fast and digital is their era!

4) Be on time
Like our classes in school, we have to be on time so that we will not disrupt other classmates. Not only that, sometimes teachers may lock the meeting for privacy purpose and that may restraint late comers from joining.

5) Explore, explore, explore

As for now, remote learning is our best option to keep the children learning. So, use this opportunity to explore different education platform such as quizzes, puzzles or even online arts. Besides, this we can boost the child's confidence in using education platforms.

Beating the back to school blues

Credit from Photo by VisionPic .net from Pexels
Short breaks  helps students to rejuvenate and relax from school’s hectic schedule. It has no harm to enjoy the holidays to the max but should be balance up by getting ready for school after term break. Below are some tips.

Photo credit from Pexels

1. Finish your school homework before school break
It’s important to complete your homework to avoid going back to school stress, as you might   forgotten about it until school reopen.

2.  Pack your bag and uniforms
Before bringing the kids for vacation or day trip, I usually get the kids to ensure their uniforms were washed and hang neatly in the wardrobe. They have to ensure they have complete uniforms with their neck tie to their socks and shoes.

3.  Return from vacation at least a day earlier
It is advisable to at least return from vacation a day earlier. The children need time to adjust their emotions (mindset) and physically (especially sleeping pattern) before school starts.

4.  Check your packed bag before sleep
To have a good night sleep, children should check their bags again, preferable before dinner, so parents still have ample to rush for stuff that children forgotten to include. These are usually materials for art or design subjects.

Photo credit from Pexels

5.  Sufficient sleep
During school holidays, children were given the flexibility to sleep and wake up later than school days. Therefore, give the kids at least a day to adjust their sleeping pattern and  they need at least 8 hours sleep.

6.  Avoid exciting activities
A day before school reopen, get the kids to do some mild activities such as reading their favourite book or playing some bored games like monopoly but avoid playing with smart phones that may trigger insomnia.

So kids with this, welcome back to school!

Cyber Bullying

I was saddened by the news about a 15 years old boy jumped to his death due to  cyber bully.
Internet is inevitable among our millennial children. As such, I started to google for more information on this topic and hope it can help more parents to educate their children on cyber bullying.
Cyber bullying is bullying via electronic devices (e.g. hand phone, laptop, tablet) and other communication tools such as text messages and the social media.
Examples of cyber bullying can comes in the form of rumours going viral or through emails, embarrassing pictures, websites and social networking.

Impact of cyber bullying
1. No time limitThere isn't any time limit in cyber bullying. It can occurred 24 hours, 7 times a week. It's difficult to monitor and track the bullying.

2. Posts travel fast
Once the harassing post is sent and shared out, the inappropriate post is difficult to delete and retrieved.

3. Anonymous sender
Messages, text, emails and other form of electronic tools can be sent with anonymous sender that makes tracking of sender become extremely difficult and prolong the existence of the inappropriate post to linger longer.

Symptoms or sign of being a victim
1. Changes in daily habits such as loss of appetite, feeling fatigue or sick or mood swing.
2. Quick tempered 
3. Decline in studies
4. Reluctant to go school if cyber bullies are from the school.
5. Harming themselves and thought of suicide. 

Parental role
1. Be educated on the danger of cyber bullying
2. Be alert on the changes  of the child being emotionally or physically.
3. Be supportive during the difficult time and ready to lend a listening ear.
4. Be open to get externally help and escalate case to law enforcers instantly.

Last but not least, prevention is the best cure. Be connected as a family and spent quality together to avoid children spending too much time on the net. Let's curb cyber bullying for the safety of the society and our children!

Sources:What is cyber bullying?Preventing CyberbullyingCyber bullying and parental role

Our Programmes

We are frequently extending our classes to cater to more students and hope to reach out to more who needed help academically.

Below are some of our programmes that we are running currently.

~Behind the Scene~

It's our honour to introduce our team of dedicated teachers that will lead the learners to a better learning environment. Teachers are from different walk of lives with various qualifications to ensure quality education can be transferred down to our children.

(Founder and Principal of Cozy Kidz House) 

* Tutor for English Interactive Program(Advanced)

* English & BM (International and Local School)

* 1 to 1 Coaching - Secondary Checkpoint, PT3 and 

Miss Adelena fondly known as Miss Adele, graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from Curtin University of Technology, Australia. She has obtained her Teaching Diploma in 2003 and Certificate in Child Psychology and Therapy in 2014. In the same year, she has established Pusat Tuisyen Ambang Dedikasi  the academic 'arm' of Cozy Kidz House. 

Being in the corporate world for 15 years, it has given her a vast experience in communication and skills to teach the essence of communication and preparing children for the future.

English Interactive Programme was one of the programme developed by Miss Adele as a holistic programme to ensure learners acquire the following skills in English:

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Writing

~The Language Expert~ Melveleen Goh 
(Tutor English, BM, Chinese and Mathematics - specializing in local school syllabus)

Miss Melveleen or Miss Mel has obtained her Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Nutrition locally. She is known for her ability to teach in different languages that has help lots of SJKC learners to settle in well. 

Miss Mel has been assisting in developing lesson plans for Chinese, BM and Mathematics based on the school syllabus, who has an eye for details. She has a good understanding on her learners weaknesses and therefore customize her teaching based on learners' needs.

~The Decoder~Parveena Sandrasegaran 
(Tutor for English, Mathematics and Science specializing in International Syllabus)

Miss Parveena, obtained BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering and will be pursuing her Master Degree in the same major in November 2018. Being the youngest tutor in Cozy Kidz House,  age does not hinder her from teaching her learners passionately and has been identifying learners weaknesses in her class. Miss Parveena has been schooled internationally when she has to travel with her mother who was a diplomat with the Malaysia government. 

Her knowledge in English as first language has helped her to teach well in International Syllabus and other English programmes.

Programmes @ Ambang Dedikasi

Please check the link below programme details:

English Interactive Programme Level 1 - 6

Key Stages 1 - 3 ( For international school)

English Interactive Programme - Level 1-6

English Interactive Programme is developed to enhance the communication in the language. Often, students were not confidence enough to speak the language and that’s because they were not given the appropriate venue and skills to interact in English.

To answer to the needs, we provide unlimited space for communications among our students and keep the programme exciting. To make the lesson interesting, we have incorporate interaction activities such as role play, story telling, groups sharing and ‘show and tell’ session to provide a wider learning experience for our students.